Fee DescriptionFee
Account Closure Within 6 Months of Opening $15.00
Account Inactivity Fee (per month)1 $5.00
Account Research Per Hour (plus Photocopy fees) $30.00
Account To Account External Transfers2 $2.00
ATM/Debit Replacement Card (1 Per Year Free) $5.00
ATM/Debit Expedited Delivery of Card $25.00
ATM Transaction at NVE Bank No Charge
ATM Transaction at other Domestic Banks No Charge by NVE Bank
ATM /Debit Card International Transactions $4.00
Attachments, Levies, Garnishments (per occurrence) $125.00
Bank Check  $8.00
Bond Coupon Deposit $10.00
Collection of Domestic Item per occurrence  $30.00
Collection of Foreign Item per occurrence3 $30.00
Excess Withdrawal Money Market/Savings Accounts $30.00
IRA Outgoing Transfer per request $35.00
Mobile Banking per month (No Charge for Select Accounts) $5.00
Money Orders $5.00
Notary per occurrence $2.50
Online Banking Personal and Business (No Charge for Select Accounts)


Bill Payment Business after 10 in a month $1.00
Bill Payment Online Same Day Payment $9.95
Bill Payment Online Overnight Check $14.95
Overdraft or Uncollected Funds per item4 $35.00
Paper Statements (Free for Select Accounts) $3.00


Cancelled Check $5.00
Deposit/Withdrawal Ticket $5.00
Monthly Statement with all items $10.00
Monthly Statement $5.00
Loan Document $5.00
Popmoney© (Personal Accounts Only)


Money Send 3 days $0.75
Money Send Next Day $2.00
Money Request Money $0.75
Money E-greeting $0.25
Return Deposited Item $35.00
Returned Item - Loan Payment $35.00
Safe Deposit Box Drilling $150.00
Safe Deposit Box Lost Key $25.00
Signature Guarantee $5.00
Stop Payment Check, ACH, or Popmoney© $30.00
Subpoena Research/ Response, per hour (plus Photocopy fees) $30.00
Verification of account or letter request $25.00
Wire Transfer Domestic Incoming $15.00
Wire Transfer Domestic Outgoing $25.00
Wire Transfer Foreign Incoming $35.00
Wire Transfer Foreign Outgoing $45.00

1 This fee applies to all Checking and Savings Accounts (excludes Certificate of Deposit) that have not had any customer initiated financial transactions or contact with NVE Bank within a one year period.
2 Personal Accounts Only.
3 Correspondent Fees may apply.
4 Applies to occurrences created by check, withdrawal, or electronic means.